Former MR. BUNGLE Member Found Guilty Of First-Degree Murder

October 12, 2024

Former MR. BUNGLE member Theobald "Theo" Brooks Lengyel is facing life in prison after being found guilty of first-degree murder on Friday, October 11.

The 55-year-old musician was accused of killing his girlfriend, 61-year-old Alice "Alyx" Kamakaokalani Herrmann, inside her home in Capitola, California.

According to CBS San Francisco, a jury in a Santa Cruz County courtroom deliberated for just one day before handing down the guilty verdict.

During the six-week trial, an audio recording was played, allegedly from Hermann's phone, of her begging for her life as Lengyel strangled her to death.

Hermann was last seen on December 3, 2023, prompting a missing person investigation from law enforcement agencies. Her remains were later found in Berkeley, California's Tilden Regional Park, and Lengyel was arrested on January 2.

According to SFGate, Lengyel was a founding member of MR. BUNGLE and spent nearly 10 years with the band, playing saxophone, clarinet and keyboards. He appeared on the MR. BUNGLE demo "The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny", as well as the band's first two major label albums, "Mr. Bungle" (1991) and "Disco Volante" (1995),

In a 2005 question-and-answer session, MR. BUNGLE bassist Trevor Dunn said Lengyel exited the group on bad terms.

"We unanimously decided to go on without him because he wasn't growing with the rest of the band and we were running out of things for him to do," Trevor said. "He got pissed off and I haven't heard from him since."

Photo courtesy of El Cerrito Police Department

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